IT WAS LIKE A STORM OF VIBRANT COLORS. Four groups of happy families in red, blue, green, and yellow shirts altogether celebrated Family Day 2017 at Casa de San Miguel Montessori School, November 18.
Before the sun fully spread its light across the sky, many families had already arrived, feeling dosed with vigor and excitement. This year's Family Day targeted to invite family members to join their kids in fostering a stronger parent-child bond through wholesome activities, the venue and instrument of which is the school---their second home.
The feeling was priceless, and almost indescribable. The myriad bright colors suggested an inviting ambiance for all families, especially for parents who, despite having no enough rest from yesterday's toil, willingly chose to spend quality time with their young ones.
Like year 2016, last Saturday's big event was jam-packed with Zumba dance and traditional relay games. The Zumba alone tested families' endurance that resembles Filipino resiliency---unyielding and firm. The session may have run for almost an hour of non-stop strenuous dance but both kids and their parents or guardians proved themselves unstoppable. Thanks to the ever-encouraging master of the ceremony, Mr. Andrei Czesar Almarez.
Aside from parents and their children, The Miguelians also witnessed the school's dynamic teachers, both the new and the pioneering ones, who seemed very fascinated by the sonorous beat of the songs.
Sweaty and almost running out of breath, the participants nevertheless thought of the group or team for which they were dancing. Every family was perhaps aiming to receive the best performing family awards.

Filipinos are known for being family-oriented. Likewise, they're known for exemplifying a happiness and contentment amid life's struggles. Here in Casa de San Miguel Montessori, Family Day serves as a reminder of the ultimate essence of building and strengthening families. Building a family is not merely earning a living; it's also living to earn what money can never acquire---love and joy.
OUR BEAUTIFUL TEACHERS. (From left) Teachers Marineth, Rizza, Tatiana, and Angelene showed the crowd the right way to dance Zumba! |
ALWAYS WINNER TOGETHER. Last year, Tamondong Family bagged awards. This year, they did it again! |
HAPPINESS THAT CAN'T BE CONTAINED. Look at this family. They're voice isn't audible but their joy is definitely too infectious!